Accommodations Autism Neurodiversity Podcasts Sensory Processing Disorder

Autistics Process Environments Differently | Neurodiverging Podcast

Today coach Danielle Sullivan discusses the unique processing challenges experienced by autistic individuals and those with sensory processing differences. Neurodivergent people must often manually process environmental data, such as sounds or sensory inputs, whereas neurotypical people are able to automate this process. This can be an added burden for neurodivergent folks. We hope to educate and raise awareness among those who do not have these processing differences, particularly parents of neurodivergent children and folks with neurodivergent partners.

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Our sincere thanks to: Jacqueline, RW Painter, Mashbooq, Galactic Fay, Klara, Estevanny, Angel, Emma, Kenna, Theresa, Brianne, Megan, Cee, Shilo, Valerie, MrToDubble, Margie, Winnie, Zoe, Katrina, and all of our other patrons.

Show Notes:

About Neurodiverging

Neurodiverging is dedicated to helping neurodiverse folk find the resources we need to live better lives as individuals, and to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all our lives as part of the larger, world community. If you’re interested in learning more, you can:

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