CEO and engineer Peter Mann went through most of his life and career as an undiagnosed autistic. Now that he has a late autism diagnosis, he has pivoted to find new ways to support others who are neurodivergent and may not know how to tap into their abilities to succeed at work. His new mission is to advocate for autism awareness in the workplace – and help others overcome obstacles to create cool new companies, products and more.
In today’s interview, we’re covering:
- what needs to change in the workplace for autistic people to be able to use their strengths
- what parenting was like for him as an undiagnosed father
- his favorite anxiety coping strategies
- how our understanding of autism has changed in the past twenty years.
Also, we briefly talk about how low-cost air purifiers are an important piece of health justice as global warming becomes a growing issue, so that’s in here too!
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Show Notes:
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About Neurodiverging
Neurodiverging is dedicated to helping neurodiverse folk find the resources we need to live better lives as individuals, and to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all our lives as part of the larger, world community. If you’re interested in learning more, you can:
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