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One of the most common behavioral concerns impacting children today is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This condition can alter people’s actions and reactions. It is commonly diagnosed in younger patients and persists into maturity.
While it’s important to talk about this, because of its prevalence, many myths and misconceptions surround this condition. As a member of an informed society, let’s get the facts straight together and counter all these with truths. Read on to learn the existing fallacies about ADHD and how the scientific evidence tells otherwise.
Myth 1: All kids with ADHD are overly active.
While many kids with ADHD are hyperactive, this isn’t true for all. Because some kids don’t display random bursts of energy like what is commonly expected of an ADHD patient, the parents wouldn’t suspect that their children have problems. And because they’re undiagnosed, they will receive no proper treatment to manage their ADHD.
Aside from hyperactivity, it’s also important to note that children with ADHD often struggle with organization and often space out and daydream. There are also actual cases of inattentive ADHD where the symptoms often show in their lack of focus.
If you see these signs in your children, bringing them to a psychologist could be an option. Moreover, paediatric physiotherapy could also help in improving a kid’s communication and maximizing their functional ability.
Myth 2: ADHD is a learning disability.
ADHD is not a learning disability. It doesn’t affect how a patient can learn how to do activities like reading, writing, and counting. But, in most cases, some symptoms of ADHD, like lack of concentration, can lead to some learning issues.
While it may challenge the individual in acquiring new skill sets, ADHD needn’t restrict their ability to achieve academic goals. In fact, many success stories feature ADHD patients flourishing in their academic pursuits. As long as they undergo treatment and support, they can make the most out of their potential.
Myth 3: Poor parenting activates ADHD.
Many perceive ADHD as an effect of bad parenting. However, ADHD in children isn’t caused by neglectful parenting. But it’s also important to know that a chaotic environment at home can worsen the symptoms of ADHD. Conversely, if you do your best to keep the household orderly, you can help your kid get through the symptoms each day.
As a parent to a kid with ADHD, you might consider establishing structures and routines in your home. This way, you can help your kid focus on doing things they are already familiar with, making every day bearable for them.
Myth 4: ADHD is only a problem among children.
ADHD is a common problem among children, but it also affects adults. It’s a physiological difference that may or may not persist into adulthood. According to research, many adults with this condition were never diagnosed, resulting in undertreatment or non-treatment. Consequently, affected adults commonly encounter problems with their work, often losing focus and neglecting deadlines, thus, making it hard for them to maintain positive relationships at work.
It’s also important to know that there is a connection between ADHD in adults and suicide. These suicides are prompted by underlying problems like anxiety, which is ADHD’s most common comorbidity.
Myth 5: ADHD patients can never focus.
It is believed by many that individuals with ADHD get distracted most of the time and shift focus from one thing to another quickly. However, they can also pay attention and focus intently on a specific activity.
When fascinated with a particular thing or activity, they can direct their attention to that subject. They rank activities based on their emotional importance for them. The main issue isn’t lack of attention, but rather a difficulty maintaining and regulating attention. They often find fast-moving, challenging, and rewarding activities more enjoyable, thus making it much simpler to hold their attention.
Myth 6: ADHD disappears in adulthood.
This condition is permanent in nature. Usually, ADHD persists into adulthood. According to a study, 60% of kids with ADHD still have it as an adult. However, its symptoms may shift as an individual goes through different stages of life.
The symptoms of ADHD commonly peak at ages 6 to 8 years old. Symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity often decline with age, but inattention usually stays until adulthood.
It might be easier to manage the symptoms in kids, but there will be increased demands for sustained organization, focus, and self-management for teens and adults as the symptoms are more difficult to manage. With medication, physiological counseling, and skill training, ADHD in adults can be less demanding.
Final Thoughts
As families and peers of individuals with ADHD, we must understand how this condition affects them and what measures we can take to help them overcome their daily struggles. By helping create a welcoming environment where ADHD parents can thrive and debunking the myths surrounding their condition, we can make the world a better place for them.