Book Reviews For Parents Neurodiversity

Good Life Coaching Means A Lot of Reading

As a certified life coach, I am an avid reader and enjoy keeping up on new research and taking courses to further my education. This page contains recent books and workbooks I’ve read in the past few years pertinent to the neurodiversity and parenting coaching I do most often. 

Disclaimer: Please note, just because a book is listed here does not mean I recommend it! Some of these are fantastic; some of them were okay. I made this list out of transparency about my continuing education efforts, and because folks asked about my reading. Please feel free to email me if you have questions:

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books about autism adhd parenting life coaching

Neurodiversity and Disability Reading:

Fat and Queer: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives by Miguel M. Morales et. al. ( |

TimeSavor Coaching: A Positive Psychology Approach to ADHD by Virginia Hurley ( |

Taking Flight: College for Students with Disabilities, Diverse Learners, and Their Families by Perry LaRoque ( | | Neurodiverging Podcast)

The Awesome Autistic Guide for Trans Teens by Yenn Purkis  and Sam Rose ( |

ADHD Coaching Matters: The Definitive Guide by Sarah D. Wright (

Is That Clear? : Effective Communication in a Neurodiverse World by Zanne Gaynor, Kathryn Alevizos, and Joe Butler ( |

Sincerely, Your Autistic Child: What People on the Autism Spectrum Wish Their Parents Knew About Growing Up, Acceptance, and Identity by Emily Paige Ballou et al. ( |

Love and Asperger’s: Practical Strategies to Help Couples Understand Each Other and Strengthen Their Connection by Kate McNulty LCSW ( | Neurodiverging Podcast)

Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain by Peter Shankman ( |

ADHD and Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table by Blake E.S. Taylor ( |

Grounding Human Rights in a Pluralist World by Grace Y. Kao ( |

8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD by Cindy Goldrich ( |

22 Things a Woman with Asperger’s Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know by Rudy Simone ( |

NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman ( |

Thinking Differently: Two Brilliant Minds Discuss What It Means to Analyze Information and Produce Solutions Outside the Mainstream by Tyler Cowen and Temple Grandin (

Past Due: A Story of Disability, Pregnancy and Birth by Anne Finger (

Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare ( |

The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum by Temple Grandin ( |

Conquering Chronic Disorganization by Judith Kolberg (

The Anxiety Book for Trans People: How to Conquer Your Dysphoria, Worry Less and Find Joy by Freiya Benson ( |

Nobody’s Normal: How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental Illness by Roy Richard Grinker ( | | Neurodiverging Podcast)

The Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention by Simon Baron-Cohen ( |

Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward M. Hallowell ( |


Kids, Parenting, and Family Reading:

Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education For Grades K-1 by Barbara Sprung ( |

Supporting Boys’ Learning: Strategies for Teacher Practice Pre K – Grade 3 by Barbara Sprung (

Blending Families: Merging Households with Kids 8-18 by Trevor Crow Mullineaux and Maryann Karinch ( |

Stepcoupling: Creating and Sustaining a Strong Marriage in Today’s Blended Family by Susan Wisdom and Jennifer Green (

Co-parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households after Divorce by Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas ( |

8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD by Cindy Goldrich ( |

How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success by Julie Lythcott-Haims ( |

Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child: Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries by Robert J. MacKenzie ( |

Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For Their Early Years – Raising Children Who Are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful by Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin, and Roslyn Ann Duffy ( |

Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser ( |

The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Huggins ( |

Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber ( |

Adventures in Tandem Nursing: Breastfeeding During Pregnancy and Beyond by Hilary Flower ( |

Mothering Your Nursing Toddler by Norma Jane Bumgarner (

How Weaning Happens by Diane Bengson (

Love and Limits: Guidance Tools for Creative Parenting by Elizabeth Crary ( |

The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene ( |

Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time by Victoria Dunckley ( |

1, 2, 3… the Toddler Years: A Practical Guide for Parents & Caregivers by Irene Van Der Zande ( |

Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber ( |

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber ( |

Your Child’s Growing Mind: A Guide to Learning and Brain Development from Birth to Adolescence by Jane M. Healy ( |

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 by Thomas W. Phelan ( |

The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life by Julie Bogart ( |

Can You Hear Me Now?: Join the Conversation to Make Public Education a Better Choice by Suzanne Rupp DeMallie ( | | Neurodiverging Podcast)


Coaching, Psychology, & Self-Help

Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang ( |

Anti-Racist Psychotherapy: Confronting Systemic Racism and Healing Racial Trauma by David Archer ( |

How to Sleep: The New Science-Based Solutions for Sleeping Through the Night by Rafael Pelayo ( |

Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies by Renee Linklater ( |

Your Brain, Explained: What Neuroscience Reveals About Your Brain and its Quirks by Marc Dingman ( |

50 Human Brain Ideas You Really Need to Know by Moheb Costandi (

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown ( |

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie ( |

Calming the Emotional Storm: Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills to Manage Your Emotions and Balance Your Life by Sheri Van Dijk ( |

Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett ( |

Scatterbrain: How the Mind’s Mistakes Make Humans Creative, Innovative and Successful by Henning Beck ( |

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk ( |

Toxicity in the Workplace: Coping with Difficult People on the Job by Shonda Lackey ( |

Coaching for Performance: GROWing Human Potential and Purpose – the Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership (People Skills for Professionals) ( |

The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor ( |

The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations Into Breakthroughs by Marcia Reynolds ( |

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear ( |

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin E.P. Seligman ( |

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath and Dan Heath ( |

The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World by Jamil Zaki ( |

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson ( |

Your Brain, Explained: What Neuroscience Reveals About Your Brain and Its Quirks by Marc Dingman ( |

Creating Your Self-Directed Life Plan: Workbook for People with a Mental Illness or Disability by Jessica A. Jonikas, M.A., and Judith A. Cook, Ph.D.

Goal-Setting and Evidence-based Strategies for Success: Workbook by Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP 

(Last updated March 25, 2023.)

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